10/11/2012 02:46:07 am

I love the compossition in this photo. if i start from the top left and read the words how i would read a book then i eventually get to the apple. The apple is a focal point in the photo and the round shape leads you back around. I also like the repitition with the words even though that it is not the same font. The bottom right corner is also a good contrast against the red apple.

10/15/2012 02:47:06 am

I see an apple and a paper saying Adam over and over. This is a great photo I really like the light shining on to the apple and then the shadow on the paper it is a great composition. I really like this picture and how you laid it out and for some reason i really liked the apple.


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    David Alexander Lawlor

    A visual pun is a word or phrase that is shown through a visual object, drawing, picture, etc.


    October 2012

